
1. Soft bristles When it comes to choosing a good toothbrush, the only alternative to soft is extra soft. A medium head has larger bristles won’t reach smaller spaces where bacteria hide. A medium head can also wear away your teeth and gums, causing irreversible damage. 2....

Many people will report that their gums will hurt or that dental decay starts when they are pregnant. With so much else to consider during pregnancy, the effect it can have on your oral health can sometimes go unnoticed. By following these simple tips, we...

1. Dry mouth Dry mouth can be the result of a range of factors including dehydration, some medications and alcohol consumption. Ultimately, dry mouth means saliva quantity has decreased and needs to replenish. You can increase saliva quantity by drinking water more frequently and chewing gum....

Why do people smile? Because they’re happy! But did you know that the more you smile, the happier you will be? As backwards as that sounds, psychology has taught us that we can almost trick the brain into happiness through the reaction to happiness that is...

Many people will assume that a quick fix to a broken tooth is to get it filled. What most people don’t realise is that a filling will only fill an empty space to stop decay from spreading. A filling is made of plastic and is...

Many of our patients will associate white, sparkly teeth with dental health. While this may be the case, what goes on beneath the surface is just as important. Gums are the foundation of teeth. Unhealthy gums are generally bright red, puffy and may even bleed on...

Ever wondered why toothbrush and toothpaste for children comes with age ranges? Is it a big deal if your child is 5 years old and uses a toothbrush for a 7 year old? Understanding why ages are associated with dental products can ease the confusion and help...

Most parents begin to consider braces for their children when they are noticeably displaced, crooked, crowded or there is spacing in between their teeth.  However, there are several other considerations that your dental professional can help identify that influence function and speech from a very...

Sucking a dummy is a common tool used by many parents to help settle their children, particularly during the early years. Many parents ask us if a dummy can cause problems to their child’s teeth and gums. If a child is phased out of using a dummy...

Many patients report to us that after a night out, their teeth get extremely sensitive the next morning. This is usually because of the frequency of intake of food and drink as well as the type. Generally, the frequency of eating and drinking makes more...

Sensational Smiles Dental


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